Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Infographic: Why the IMO and international shipping needs a strong revised Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)

London, 22 March, 2024:- As this week’s meeting of the International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 81, March 18-22) winds down, the Clean Shipping Coalition welcomed the growing support for a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions levy, but warned that IMO member states must also maintain focus on other key issues such as the global fuel standard (GFS) and the improvement of how energy is used in ships via the carbon intensity indicator (CII).

March 22, 2024
The State of Shipping & Oceans Repot, Seas at Risk at MEPC80

Shaama Sandooyea, a marine biologist and climate activist from Mauritius, addressed delegates at the MEPC 80 climate summit in London on 4 July, on behalf of the Clean Shipping Coalition.

July 5, 2023
International Maritime Organization, London

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has a historic opportunity in the next three months to put the global shipping industry on an equitable, 1.5°C-aligned decarbonisation pathway.

March 17, 2023
Photo by "12019" on Pixabay

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) failed to reach agreement on global action to address greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping at a meeting in London last week.

April 4, 2011