

The IMO has this week moved on climate change. But in the week that delivered us the world’s hottest day ever, for sure it hasn’t moved fast enough.

July 7, 2023
The State of Shipping & Oceans Repot, Seas at Risk at MEPC80

Shaama Sandooyea, a marine biologist and climate activist from Mauritius, addressed delegates at the MEPC 80 climate summit in London on 4 July, on behalf of the Clean Shipping Coalition.

July 5, 2023
The State of Shipping & Oceans Repot, Seas at Risk

Global shipping continues to cause significant harm to the climate, the ocean and human health, with the United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO), international community and maritime sector repeatedly failing to properly address the issues.

July 3, 2023
International Maritime Organization, London

The Clean Shipping Coalition (CSC) has written to the candidates for this summer’s election of a new International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Secretary General to see if they understand the urgency of the climate crisis and have the determination and strength of vision to be a transformational new leader of the IMO.

May 18, 2023
Tara Cox, Flora and Fauna International

Next week is the much-anticipated tenth session of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Pollution Prevention and Response Sub-Committee (PPR 10).

April 20, 2023
AR6 Synthesis Report

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released its latest assessment of where humanity is at in dealing with climate change.

March 21, 2023
International Maritime Organization, London

This week at the United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO), Seas At Risk as part of the Clean Shipping Coalition has been participating in the climate negotiations taking place within the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC79).

December 13, 2022
Urgent rules are needed to make shipping respect our blue planet

Delegates at the International Maritime Organization, MEPC77, are meeting on 22-27 November to discuss the plastic action plan to reduce the plastic footprint of ships.

November 22, 2021
IMO Cartoon

The gripping Solar Impulse flight, and the news that Airbus has patented a plane that can fly from Paris to Tokyo in under 3 hours, shows that the aviation industry remains one of the few industries that can ignite our imagination with new ideas.

August 19, 2015