Backed by seven key civil society organizations, the Say No to LNG global shipping campaign today launched the ‘Beyond Methane Pledge’, an ambitious initiative seeking to halt the expansion of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and other methane-based fuels, and phase-out their use in all sectors – globally.
London, 22 March, 2024:- As this week’s meeting of the International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 81, March 18-22) winds down, the Clean Shipping Coalition welcomed the growing support for a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions levy, but warned that IMO member states must also maintain focus on other key issues such as the global fuel standard (GFS) and the improvement of how energy is used in ships via the carbon intensity indicator (CII).
The Clean Shipping Coalition is calling on the IMO to urgently step up ship climate action by improving its Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), which would quantify and raise ship efficiency while fostering greater transparency and driving deep and lasting reductions in pollution.
This document provides comments on document MEPC 82/6/1 (Austria et al.) concerning GHG emissions data quality and integrity as a basis for current and future IMO GHG regulatory measures, as well as document MEPC 82/6/17 (Austria et al.) on the possible two-step approach for the review and revision of the short-term measures. CSC strongly supports […]
This document comments on documents MEPC 81/16 and MEPC 81/16/Add.1, annex 12 and invites the Working Group to ensure an inclusive, deliberative and transparent process for the further development of the basket of candidate mid-term measures during working groups at ISWG-GHG 17, MEPC 82 and at any other formal and informal sessions that might happen […]
This document shares the findings of an extensive literature review on the well-to-tank (WtW) GHG intensity of liquified natural gas(LNG) imports to the European Union. The review aggregates data from 130 references from eight LNG-exporting nations, covering 92.6% of EU imports in 2023. The study concludes that the overallWtT GHG intensity of LNG in Europe […]