IMO Papers
This document provides new information on planetary tipping points and introduces the concept of positive tipping points or sources of hope, in support of proposals contained in document MEPC 82/7/10 (FOEI et al.). Download: MEPC 82/7/17: Global Tipping Points – Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships
A sustainable fuel sub target, and associated proposed amendments to documents ISWG-GHG 15/3/1 and ISWG-GHG 16/2/7 This document provides elements to consider in designing the GHG Fuel Standard (GFS), especially in relation to the GHG Fuel Intensity (GFI) targets, the competitiveness of alternative fuels and non-fuel technologies, and what constitutes a sustainable zero and near-zero […]
This document situates the shipping sector within the triple planetary crisis of climate, biodiversity, and pollution, and prioritizes solutions with co-benefits to address these crises. By focusing on these solutions, action on reversing biodiversity loss and reducing pollution can support climate action and vice versa. The co-sponsors recommend an IMO framework be developed, similar to […]
Information and summary of an ongoing process with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation on Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems. Download: MEPC 82/5/4: Air Pollution Prevention: EGCS pollution in Pacific Canada: investigation of Canada
This submission develops the concept of “polar fuels” discussed at PPR 11. It seeks to set out the fuel characteristics that would distinguish polar fuels from residual fuels and thus lead to fuel-based reductions in ship Black Carbon (BC) emissions if mandated for use in an near the Arctic. It also proposes the drafting of […]
This document sets out a legal analysis on the use of exhaust gas cleaning systems as an alternative compliance mechanism under MARPOL Annex VI from an air quality impact perspective. Download: MEPC 82/5: Legal analysis on exhaust gas cleaning systems as an alternative compliance mechanism under MARPOL Annex VI from an air quality impact perspective