Our Plastic, Our Problem

The Amazing Mr. Smashing sings an info-operetta about plastic in our oceans!

Our huge level of consumption and the accompanying waste it creates is leading to terrifying amounts of plastic entering our seas. All sorts of unpleasant effects are being discovered by researchers, including plastics acting as magnets for toxic chemicals, which are then being swallowed by sea life. We must act now to stop any more plastic reaching the oceans. There are many ways to do this, and every person can make simple changes in their lives to reduce their impact, but we also need the laws in place to ensure action by European governments.

2014 is the year that the European Commission reviews its various waste policies, including the waste framework directive. This means we have an opportunity to recognise the seriousness of marine litter and take strong steps to reduce waste and improve how it is managed. Let’s show the law makers how much we care about our beautiful beaches and seas: like and share this video, using the hashtag #marinelitter and let’s make a noise about the problem of plastics in our seas!

To find out more and take action, visit www.seas-at-risk.org.

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The Beyond Methane Pledge

Backed by seven key civil society organizations, the Say No to LNG global shipping campaign today launched the ‘Beyond Methane Pledge’, an ambitious initiative seeking to halt the expansion of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and other methane-based fuels, and phase-out their use in all sectors – globally. 

August 1, 2024
Infographic: Why the IMO and international shipping needs a strong revised Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)

London, 22 March, 2024:- As this week’s meeting of the International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 81, March 18-22) winds down, the Clean Shipping Coalition welcomed the growing support for a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions levy, but warned that IMO member states must also maintain focus on other key issues such as the global fuel standard (GFS) and the improvement of how energy is used in ships via the carbon intensity indicator (CII).

March 22, 2024
Infographic: Why the IMO and international shipping needs a strong revised Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)

The Clean Shipping Coalition is calling on the IMO to urgently step up ship climate action by improving its Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), which would quantify and raise ship efficiency while fostering greater transparency and driving deep and lasting reductions in pollution.

March 18, 2024