ISWG GHG 16 Side Event: Analysis on interaction of CII with GFS: Calibrating IMO energy efficiency and fuels targets

L-R, Faig Abbasov of Transport and Environment, Delaine McCullough, Ocean Conservancy during ISWG GHG 16 Side Event: Analysis on interaction of CII with GFS: Calibrating IMO energy efficiency and fuels targets

At a side event on Tuesday 12 March, during the International Maritime Organization’s Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (IMO, IWSG-GHG-16, March 11-15) the Clean Shipping Coalition presented the link between Global fuel standard and Carbon Intensity Index, a technical analysis that demonstrates that improved energy efficiency alongside a 10% uptake of zero/near-zero emission fuels will be essential especially for delivering the 2030 absolute emissions reduction target for the shipping sector.

Without energy efficiency improvements, the uptake of green fuels by the shipping industry will need to be many times higher than what is envisaged by the IMO’s Revised strategy; concretely, more than a third of shipping’s total energy demand might have to shift to green fuels if we do not improve energy efficiency in parallel. Not only is the deployment of such an amount of alternative fuels unrealistic in the near term, but it could also lead to inefficient use of renewable energy and potentially lead to unintended environmental damages, such as deforestation, fresh water bottlenecks and diversion of limited resources from other existing uses.

Find out more: Transport & Environment: Analysis on interaction of CII with GFS, Calibrating IMO energy efficiency and fuels targets

Press release: Enough Talk: Crunch Time for IMO Shipping Measures to Cut Climate Impacts

Delaine McCullough, Ocean Conservancy during ISWG GHG 16 Side Event: Analysis on interaction of CII with GFS: Calibrating IMO energy efficiency and fuels targets

Delaine McCullough, Ocean Conservancy during ISWG GHG 16 Side Event: Analysis on interaction of CII with GFS: Calibrating IMO energy efficiency and fuels targets


Faig Abbasov of Transport and Environment during ISWG GHG 16 Side Event: Analysis on interaction of CII with GFS: Calibrating IMO energy efficiency and fuels targets

Faig Abbasov of Transport and Environment during ISWG GHG 16 Side Event: Analysis on interaction of CII with GFS: Calibrating IMO energy efficiency and fuels targets



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